Stephanie Dorwick | Author | Your Name Is Not Anxious
Creative Journal Writing

Apologies! Seems an age since I wrote an update or a new article for my own webpage. I’d like to tell you that I have been re-visiting Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan, or the monastery at Koyasan in Japan…alas, only in my dreams. I have been incredibly busy with several long-term projects coming together in something of a crush. The new book circling around the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke can wait for another day. (Co-written with Mark S. Burrows, coming out in the US in early October.) Next here in Australia plus Aotearoa/NZ will be an updated (rewritten, really) edition of Creative Journal Writing.

This has been such a joy to work on. I have a passion for the rewards that CJW can bring to ANYONE willing to invest 15-20 minutes a few times a week. (Thoroughly guided with many, many prompts.)

The “creativity” it awakens spreads across your life; it also brings insight and calm (truly); plus, it is a place where you can release thoroughly unreasonable thoughts and feelings…then step back and take a breath. Journal writing also lets you reflect, contemplate, know yourself better – and accept others more easily. It brings colour to your observations…and not much more is needed than a pen, a notebook, or a slice of your computer time.

The new cover will remind you of Your name is not Anxious. Same excellent designer. The updated CJW is coming in January 2025…when Your name is not Anxious will be released in the US by St Martins Press Essentials. More soon, more soon. Tiger’s Nest, though, will definitely have to wait! (In truth, until the next lifetime…)

Also, I have been promising workshops for many months. When this burst of work is over, I will turn with relief to the particular pleasures of “face to face” work – even if our faces are, for the most part, on a screen via Zoom.

Finally, those of you who want to join a regular call to peace for the next 90 days, here is your chance. This comes from the Melbourne-based Calm Collective:


we invite you to join (when you can) the meditative gatherings of the Calm Collective every evening for 100 days starting from this Friday 14th June, 2024, 9.00 – 9.10pm, until 21st September, 2024.

In contrast to the previous gatherings, the format will be very simple for these daily gatherings: 

  • a simple written intention provided at the beginning for all to hold;
  • as before, a visual to focus the meditation for 10 minutes; 
  • a new intention to be posted on the first day of every month; an email will be sent a couple of days before.
  • no registration required for these;
  • no chat/video at the end – so you can join as you are! 
  • And, if you are in a different time zone, we encourage you (and friends!) to ‘sit’ at 9.00pm – 9.10pm your time – the relevant video will be posted here, the day before.

You can join in any of the following ways:

1) click here

2) type in into your browser which will take you straight into the Zoom meeting

3) or in Zoom, enter the Meeting ID: 950 6415 547; passcode: calm

With love for all those seeking peace, wherever they are, I wish you peace in your heart also.   Stephanie